Iwo Kijowski

I am a student of the University of Technology in Wrocław in the construction major. During the free time, I am a graphic designer; I also train my dog, with questionable results so far =) My interests include trenchless engineering, sports and design.

Diana Karpowicz

A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. She illustrates books and creates visual identities and graphic designs. She has worked with such publishing houses as Egmont, Nasza Księgarnia, Ezop, Otwarte, ZuzuToys, WSiP, LiterObrazki festival in Bydgoszcz or OFCA festival in Oleśnica. The author of illustrations to “Can You Hear the Trees Talking?” by Peter Wohlleben, “Yesterday, today, tomorrow” by Grzegorz Kasdepke and “Mum” by Przemysław Wechterowicz.

She works with her furry assistant; it makes sure that Diana takes regular breaks, during which they go to the allotment and tend to the vegetable garden

Out of stock

Guard dog harnesses

Guard harness Cactus Flower


Magdalena Kościańska

an illustrator, graphic designer, educator, author of texts and educational and cultural initiatives. The founder and author of Wyobraźniej (wyobrazniej.pl), a website on creative education. She has worked with many Polish and foreign companies and cultural institutions. Every day, she gets involved in initiatives she considers important and right, ones which are related to the support of animals, human rights, nature and promotion of culture. Her cat Ryszard, who proves a brave assistant, supports her in her undertakings. You can find more works at magicsuitcase.pl

Natalia Jura

Actually, I have always been an illustrator. It has been my work for some time. I majored in graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, whereas my portfolio “BLACK POINT” was ranked among the best ones in 2017, which still makes me happy.

In my works, I focus on my personal observations intertwined with everyday experiences, memories and dreams. I like to capture them in oneiric, crowded, comic and surreal forms and combine modern-day realities with the world of fables, myths and legends.

Rafał Filipek

I study pattern design at the Studio for the Design of Means of Transport at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. I am a graduate of the High School of Fine Arts in Nowy Sącz. I like sports and cars. My motto: “It used to be tough, but it is no easier today”

Aleksandra Łańcuchowska

My name is Aleksandra, I come from Wrocław and study at the Academy of Fine Arts in the pattern design major.

I love drawing <3 I also like eating, playing games, drinking coffee and meeting people.

Dagmara Jagodzińska-Antas

I am a graduate of the WSSU in Szczecin and the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. I deal with illustration and graphic design on a daily basis. In my work, I focus on themes like nature, animals and femininity, catching them all and composing into wonderful stories. Since 2018, I have been a completely happy owner of the adopted pooch Spadło and since then I have been encouraging everyone to adopt. I collaborated with the publisher Emotikon sign next to Ada’s book, that’s right!

Bow ties

Bow tie Le Bush

28.00 32.00 

Adjustable leads

Adjustable lead Le Bush

91.00 102.00 
91.00 132.00 
75.00 86.00 
43.00 72.00 


Bandana Le Bush

30.00 39.00 

Agnieszka Dymek

I graduated from Graphic Design at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, currently I am an illustrator and graphic designer. I collaborated, among others, with the Zielona Sowa Publishing House on the series of books “Pies na medal”.
Every day at work I am accompanied by the faithful parson russell terrier Czacz and the redhead Matcha. Animals and nature have a special place in my work.
od 21.00 
od 52.50 
od 19.60 
od 63.70 